Tuition fee €6,400 per year
Application fee €30 one-time
Registration fee €200 one-time


Program, Altı odak alanını kapsamaktadır: Mimari Tasarım, Güzel Sanatlar, Yapı Teknolojisi ve Bilimi, Proje Yönetimi, Ekonomi ve Hukuk, Şehir Planlama, ve Mimarlık Tarihi ve Teorisi. Ayrıca Beşeri ve Sosyal Bilimler, Uygulama ve Lisans Tezi de bulunmaktadır. Mimarlık öğrencileri, diğer Yaratıcı ve İşletme fakültelerinden de ek dersler seçmeye teşvik edilmektedir.

Müfredat, bu çeşitli ama tamamlayıcı alanlardan edinilen bilgiyi birleştirir ve öğrencilerin analitik düşünme ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirmeye odaklanır. Her akademik yıl, bir öncekini temel alarak, tasarımın giderek daha karmaşık sorunlarını ve ölçeklerini keşfetmeyi amaçlar; bunlar arasında tasarımın prensipleri, özel alan ve konut, kamu alanı ve yer oluşturma, kentsel alan ve kentsel yeniden canlandırma yer alır.

The program covers six fields of concentration: Architectural Design, Fine Art, Building Technology and Science, Project Management, Economics and Law, City Planning, and History and Theory of Architecture. It also includes Humanities and Social Subjects, Practice, and a Bachelor Thesis. Architecture students are encouraged to choose additional courses from other Creative and Business faculties.

The curriculum integrates knowledge from these diverse yet complementary domains, focusing on developing students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Each academic year builds upon the previous one, exploring increasingly complex design issues and scales, including principles of design, private space and dwelling, public space and place-making, and urban space and urban regeneration.

Programme structure

First year Second year

1st Semester
Fundamentals of Visual Structures and Composition
Basics of design I
Math (Calculus) I
Descriptive geometry I
Environmental psychology
Fine arts I
English for Architects I
Introduction to Architectural culture I

2nd Semester
Basics of design II
Basics of building technologies
Math (Calculus) II
Descriptive geometry II
Fine arts II
English for Architects II
History of art, architecture and urban design I
Study practice
Ethics and social responsibility in architecture 3rd Semester
Architectural Design I
Building technologies and practices I
Introduction to architectural structural systems
Fine arts III
Computer media in architecture
History of art, architecture and urban design II
Practical philosophy

4th Semester
Architectural Design II
Building science and application I
Building technologies and practices II
Architectural structures I
Fine arts IV
Computer applications in design I
History of art, architecture and urban design III
Study practice
Civil protection
Third year Fourth year
5th Semester
Architectural Design III
Building science and application II
Building technologies and practices III
Architectural structures II
Landscape architecture
Computer applications in design II
Architectural theory and criticism I
Latvian architecture

6th Semester
Architectural Design IV
Architectural structures III
Architectural theory and criticism II
Building science and application III
Urban design
Project and construction management
Basics of work safety
Cultural heritage 7th Semester
Interior (Fine arts)
Study practice
Basics of legal aspects
Sustainable design
Organization management
Bachelor Thesis (Final/State Exam)

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment