Tuition fee €4,600 per year
Application fee €170 one-time

The application fee is non-refundable. The application will be processed after the payment receipt is uploaded to the system.

Deposit €500 one-time

Students from third countries outside the EU/EEA must make a one-time payment in full, with the full year’s tuition due upon arrival. The deposit is intended to cover potential immigration charges and is refundable upon request after graduation.

Registration fee €200 one-time


Çalışma programının amacı, öğrencilerin sporun ve fiziksel aktivitenin olumlu yönlerini incelemelerini, analiz etmelerini ve geliştirmelerini sağlamaktır; bu, fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal ve sosyal faydaları kapsar. Çocuklardan ve yaşlılardan sporculara ve ciddi rahatsızlıkları olan hastalara kadar her yaştan ve yetenekten bireyin sağlığını ve yaşam kalitesini iyileştirmeyi amaçlar. Program, akademik olarak eğitilmiş uzmanların gelişimini teşvik etmeyi ve araştırmaya dayalı öğrenme yoluyla çağdaş spor biliminde disiplinler arası bilgi transferini desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır.

The aim of the study program is to enable students to study, analyze, and enhance the positive aspects of sport and physical activity—encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social benefits. It seeks to improve health and quality of life for individuals of all ages and abilities, from children and seniors to athletes and patients with serious conditions. The program aims to foster the development of academically educated specialists and promote interdisciplinary knowledge transfer in contemporary sports science through research-based learning.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment